James Lee

Govinda Totla

Junior Undergraduate

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi


About Me

Hello world! I'm Govinda Totla, a junior undergraduate at the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering

I am really passionate about software development, especially in the fields of competitve programming, web development, web extraction and automation using API's.

I'm proficient at languages including C/C++, Python and have worked with technologies such as Google App Engine, Amazon Web Services, Django, BASH, Git, LaTeX

When I'm not coding, I love to play cricket and watch random episodes of some TV series. Also, I love quoting the appropriate references from standups of my favourite comedians.


Work Experience

Summer Intern
(May 2018 - Present)

Worked with the Cloud team on the automation of offer integration from different vendors to bluestacks data. Also, developed different AMI's with one click ready bluestacks app player installed on windows. Built a machine learning model to predict quest click count of a user.

Latest Projects

project name

1-Click Ready Secured BlueStacks App Player on Windows

BlueStacks App Player is a great tool for allowing you to run your favorite mobile apps/games in full screen in your browser using a PC or Mac.I made a few Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) as pre-configured for enterprise use. This will soon be released by Bluestacks.

project name

Chrome Extension for Bluestacks Network

Javascript Python

Made a chrome extension for automating the process of manually adding offers from different networks to bluestacks offer data. The extension provided offer status on the vendor's website itself and button to add the offer to bluestacks data using Bluestacks API.

project name

Back-end Development - Codefest

Django Python HTML CSS

Developed the website and registration portal for Codefest 2018, the annual fest of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT BHU. The back-end was developed in Django. The website had over 100,000 views and 8000 registrations from 96 countries.

project name

Quest Page Prediction - Bluestacks


We first used Big query to extract relevant data table from the bluestacks tables.Then, used Supervised Learning ALgorithms to predict if the a bluestacks user is interested in playing quests or is only here to use his personal apps. On the same basis, we predicted which page should be shown to the user after the app engine starts. We used Adaboost Classifier for our model to train and clicks, country and age of users as features.

Other Projects

Trading Predictions using Reinforcement Learning


Implemented a trading agent model based on Reinforcement Learning. The model was trained on level II data. Q-Learning algorithm was employed to train the model.

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Contest List Open Source

Django Python HTML CSS

Developed a website to act as coding contest calender. Used the API of clist.by to automatically extract data of upcoming contests.

View on GitHub

POI Identifier on Enron Dataset


The goal of the project is to build an algorithm to identify persons of interest based on financial and email data made public as a result of the Enron scandal. The initial list of persons of interest in the fraud case, is made from individuals who were indicted, reached a settlement or plea deal with the government, or testified in exchange for prosecution immunity.

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Institute Election Portal

Django Python HTML CSS

IIT (BHU) Election Portal is a dynamic web application built on Django 1.11.8 that helps to conduct elections over the internet/LAN for the university. This web application is developed with the aim of reducing the hustle/fuss and human errors while conducting elections manually. It drastically reduces the resources involved and efficiently produces the result.

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Maid in India - Android App

Java XML

Maid in India is an android application that helps you find a maid, driver, baby-sitter etc in your nearby area.

Positions of Responsibility

Club of Programmers
(April 2018 - Present)

Responsibilities include managing and holding of all programming activities related to the club (workshops, events, competitions) throughout the institute all over the year and spreading the programming culture.

Web Team

Co-head and lead back-end developer of the web team of Codefest 2018.


Co-ordianted the pre-event of Codefest 2017 and was a memeber of problem setting team.